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Secrets of FFAs

You may be told thousands of times that:

It is waste of time to post at FFAs!

Do you agree with these kinds of advice?


You are wrong! It is really a fact that NOBODY will go to those FFAs to see your ads except you yourself, ALL the FFAs are set up NOT to help you promote your site, but to help those so-called 'Gold Members' of those FFAs to harvest your email and send you SPAM letter (they will call it 'confirm letter').

However, you can hit them back! Send them SPAM letter against their SPAM letter!

How can you do that?

Yeah, you may already get the idea: using a Autoresponder.But a pure autoresponder will surelly be rejected by the FFAs!

What you need is

A Valid Free Email Account With Good Autoresponder!

The best one of this kind of free email account is TheMail , It is Totally Free and you can write your long & whole autorespond letter (not like other service that you will be allowed only 3-5 lines!). All you need to do is thind about a Killer Headline to abstract those spammers' attention. you also have tools such as block email address, signiture file, and so on....if you have not have one, you'd better

Get One Free Now!

I'm getting at least 10 visitors per day with this little secret!

The most exciting part of TheMail maybe that, once you own a free account, you have the potential of making


O.K., Don't waste your time again!

Let' Begin!

Give Me Email

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